Goodnight Loving join Dirtnap Records.

Publié le par Music'N'Punk

Milwaukee’s own Goodnight Loving have officially joined the Dirtnap roster. Look for their 4th LP (first for Dirtnap), The Goodnight Loving Supper Club, out on July 20th, 2010.

In the meantime, here’s a free Mp3 and track list.
1. Ain’t It Weird
2. The Pan
3. Earworm
4. It’s A Long Way In A Bad Way
5. Candy Sore
6. Summer Dream
7. Bike + Stick
8. Deep Black Pool
9. Doesn’t Shake Me
10. Into A Grape
11. Addicted To Debt
12. Sunnyside
13. Ramble Jamble
14. Grandpa Died
15. Land Of Sky Blue Waters

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