Publié le par Music'N'Punk

The Maple Room have posted two new songs ("Atlantis" and "Layers") of their soon to be released third album "Cities of Hunger" on their   The new tracks show a more mature and atmospheric sound and if you want to hear more of their new record, keep checkin' their myspace cause they will post some more new material the next couple of weeks.   For the actual release of the album, you'll have to wait a little bit longer... untill the actual release date on the 9th of april (instore date).  Unless you join their release party -which is strongly adviced! - on the 3fr of april at the RIOROCK festival (alongside such fine bands like Strung Out, Ghost of A Thousand, Exit on the left and more...).    We hope to see you there!
In the meantime, stay tuned and we'll be back soon with more news!!!

Publié dans Hardcore

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