Swamp Cabbage Records : Upcoming releases

Publié le par Music'N'Punk

That's right Grabbag's debut Swamp Cabbage Release entitled "Look Up Look Down" on cd format is now available and will be up for purchase in the Swamp Cabbage store very shortly, making this release SCR-004. SCR-005, or the new Cerephesis E.P. will be out anyday now, and last but not least I just sent the Static Thought/Wartortle split 7" and Gnarly Whales/Tragwag split 7"s to press and should be available for purchase in July. 

In other news, Wartortle will be in Puerto Rico in two weeks, Larf will be on tour mid summer east coast / midwest, and Wartortle will be on an east coast tour in August.


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