ENERGY : A quick update on what we've been up to (02-04-10)

Publié le par Music'N'Punk

Right now we're taking time off from touring, writing a lot, and demoing new songs. Mike from Children Of The Night recently joined the band and will be making his live debut with us February 14th at our show with Four Year Strong at Club Hell in RI (We will also be playing a few new songs in our set). Mike will have a HUGE part in the songwriting process for our next release, and from now on. I'd say there is a good chance that a handful of Children Of The Night songs may even make their way on to a future Energy release(s). As with everything we've done so far, our next release will be a progression in sound, so don't expect any repeats of Punch The Clock or Invasions Of The Mind. It seems like every time we do a new release we are reinventing the sound of the band, and I hope to continue doing that with everything we do.

Also during our time off, Mike and I have been recording Children Of The Night's first full length album which will come out on BloodLust Records
This project has been in the works since before Energy was a band and I'm really excited to finally finish it.


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