LAST LAUGH : In Studio

Publié le par Music'N'Punk

Le groupe punk floridien Last Laugh sera en studio début octobre.

As you may or may not know, (you probably didn't know or give a shit) we have been writing some new songs. Almost 30 song ideas in total have been written. Some songs were good, while some ideas turned out to be a complete pile of shit...oh well, it happens. We think we have weeded out all the not so great songs, which has left us with about a dozen or so rockin gems.

We plan on preserving these gems forever through the process of digital recording. Its actually really neat stuff. Through the use of some pretty advanced technology and gizmos...we can capture what each song sounds like down to the smallest detail. Amazing isn't it? And to complete this magical process of sound capturing, we'll be using what we call in the business a "sound engineer" by the name of Mike Stebe.

At the beginning of October, we will begin our trek northward to the remote areas of the artic circle to begin the recording process. It's a not so well known fact that the North Pole has some of the best natural physical properties for sound recording on the planet....

Publié dans Punk

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