Strike Anywhere signed to Bridge 9

Publié le par Music'N'Punk

Strike Anywhere a rejoint  Bridge Nine Records pour sortir leur prochain album. Commentaires de Chris Wrenn créateur du label :

"We're really excited about working with such an established and hard working band as Strike Anywhere. I've wanted to work with these guys for a long time, I have been a fan since their first EP and look forward to helping them continue to spread their music and message".


Commentaires de Thomas Barnett le chanteur de Strike Anywhere:


"Bridge Nine has a cool combination of hardcore roots and culture, a love for the life and message. We felt immediately connected to it and understood upon talking with Chris and Karl. They get what we've been doing for the past nearly ten years, and seek to collaborate with us from a place of honesty: old roots, new friendship. The Bridge Nine commitment to the original platforms of hardcore and punk culture while trying to push it forward globally with creative ideas and unity feels like a perfect fit for us. We feel it's important to note that we have nothing but love and good feelings for Fat Wreck Chords. Our four years with that label were great times and a singular experience, so we go forward with their blessing and good will. For us, we just wanted to try something different and give this record a new home, new vision".

Strike Anywhere débutera la semaine prochaine l'enregistrement de leur nouvel album avecle producteur  Brian McTernan. (info punknews)

Publié dans Punk

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