Accepting submissions for WWHCORE VOL. 2

Publié le par Music'N'Punk

Le webzine américain What We Hate est à la recherche de groupes pour le second volet de sa compilation WWHCORE. AVIS AUX AMATEURS. Voir modalités ci-dessous :

I’ve already posted a couple of myspace bulletins and Jordan over at Pastepunk was kind enough to plug it for us, but I’ve yet to formally announce it here, so here goes: WWHCORE VOL. 2 is in serious planning mode right now, and we need more submissions. If you’re in a band and are interested in participating in our free digital compilation, send us a music file — AT LEAST 192 kbps mp3, anything higher than that is a bonus — to Include a bio if you want, or at the very least a link to your band’s website or myspace page.

Publié dans Punk

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