Asian Man Records Newsletter, MARCH 13, 2009!

Publié le par Music'N'Punk

Bomb The Music Industry's Scrambles has finally been shipped! Thanks to everybody who pre-ordered this for all your patience. If you haven't received your copy yet, it should arrive in the next couple days.

Shinobu has released their third full-length album, Strange Spring Air, on Quote Unquote Records for FREE! You can download it here: Bob gave me a half-finished copy some time ago, but I must say that I am still very excited by this release. Shinobu is one of the best, most underappreciated bands I have ever seen in my life. Hopefully they will start playing shows again someday.

Lastly, props to Steve Choi for finally paying Mike Park back the $267 dollars that he owed. The pretend - but borderline real - anger between the two of you over it has been very amusing to me and others for the past four years.

Take care,

Publié dans Punk

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