comadre : upcoming MIXTAPES!!!

Publié le par Music'N'Punk

check it. we are fuckin ill'ed to officially announce the birth of COMADRE MIXTAPES. these mixtapes will be zip-files (or some type of "multiple-file-folder" crazy internet thing that is all da rage these dayz) that will be full of comadre and/or comadre-related mp3s and art. siq. all of these mixtapes will be posted online to download completely for FREE. we already got a bunch of shit that we are working on for the first one and gotz many possible ideaz that are cookin' hard for other mixtapes to come. our goal is to try to upload a new one every few months and keep shit interesting and fun. as of now, they will be exclusively available from: (peep that shit out for a bunch of random, hippie, art-loverz crap). ideas for mixtape tracks are: brand new songs, demos, remixes, previously vinyl-exclusive songs, previously recorded songs that were never used for anything, and covers. one idea that will probably see the light of day on the 2nd or 3rd mixtape will be the chance for anyone to download the acapella (or just guitar, or just bass, or just drum) sessions of comadre songs to remix themselves on protools, fruityloops, garageband, whatever and make some dopeshit happen...and if you got any siq ideaz, please feel free to throw them at us as well.

first mixtape will drop on Dec 1st.

Publié dans Punk

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