Star Fucking Hipsters, News

Publié le par Music'N'Punk

Star Fucking Hipsters (Punk, Indie), nouveau projet de Sturgeon de Leftover Craft, font appel à Fat Mike pour produire leur premier album. C'est ce qu'explique le groupe dans cette mise à jour :

"We are so fucking close to finishing this thing. All of the music has been recorded and most of the vocals. The second week of Ápril, Nico and myself will go to Motor studios in San Fransisco for ten days to finish our debut record with the help of Fat Mike producing and Jamie McMann, the engineer and co-recorder of our side of the "Deadline" split between Leftover Crack and Citizen Fish.

We have been working sporadically all last year with Ryan Jones at Atomic studios in Queens recording and mixing the tentatively titled "Allergic to Peoples" and Fat Mike has expressed interest in helping us finely polish the turd we have been lovingly working on for half a year. The question/rumor has arisen that this record will be on Fat and I don't know the answer. If I owned a record label and I was helping to produce a bands record, I'd probably want to put the thing out, so the possibility is high, but nothing is confirmed and it hasn't properly been discussed as of yet.

I suppose Star Fucking Hipsters is looking at a late summer/early fall record release with shows to coincide, maybe we'll headline Cracktoberfest this year?"

Publié dans Punk

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