MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD : 99.999999% complete

Publié le par Music'N'Punk

Le groupe hardcore de Brooklyn The Most Precious Blood a quasiment terminé son nouvel album. Intitulé Do Not Resuscitate, l'enregistrement est en ce moment en phase de masterisation. Il sera composé d'une douzaine de chansons et sera disponible bientot via Trustkill Records.

Our new album, "Do Not Resuscitate", is 99.999999% complete. We're currently busy with the mastering and artwork stages of the project so it won't be long now. Then again, you've waited for four years so a few more months won't kill you. That said, this will probably be the last time you hear from us until we have a release date to tell you of. "Do Not Resuscitate" will be 11 or 12 songs brought to you by Trustkill Records once again.

Publié dans Hardcore

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