Fat Wreck casse ses prix

Publié le par Music'N'Punk

Fat Wreck Chords a décidé de baissé le prix de ses Cds à 10 $ voire 8$ pour les habitants du pays de l'oncle Sam. C'est ce que Fat Mike, le boss, explique dans le communiqué qui suit :


"Things I learned going to Ireland: Don’t order Bushmills in Dublin. Don’t order Jameson in Belfast. Don’t drink too much on the ferry, or too little, cuz either way, you will get sick.

Oh, this is the important news: the NOFX record comes out today. What’s more important is that it will be priced under $10 in every store in North America. This is not a sale. This is how much this CD costs, and not only that, but EVERY CD on Fat Wreck Chords will now be under $10 and most will be under $8.

No, we are not crazy. We just think that having a very low CD price is a fair way for scene supporting music fans to support their favorite independent bands and labels. Sound crazy? I think it sounds reasonable. We make less profit, but bands hopefully will sell more CDs to more people, which is why we started doing this in the first place."

Publié dans Punk

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